S. Devetzi/A. Stergiou, Social security in times of corona, 2021

The global health crisis unleashed by the COVID-19 pandemic is possibly the most serious crisis since World War II. It has caused major and unprecedented challenges. The restrictive measures introduced during the pandemic in combination with the massive and unprecedented disruptions of work and the ensuing economic recession have had a strong – though in many cases uneven – impact on the global labour market and people’s livelihoods. Under these circumstances on 4 December 2020 an online comparative law conference was organized by the University of Applied Sciences of Fulda in Germany and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece, upon which this book is based. In particular, the conviction that mutual learning requires an exchange of national experiences inspired the online conference: “Social security in times of corona from a comparative law perspective: The case of migrant workers and other vulnerable groups (of workers)”. The leading question was: Have national laws successfully addressed the problems caused by this extraordinary situation? From a comparative law perspective, this book answers the question and tries to explore both the existing and new special regulations introduced in the field of social security law in selected European countries.
Πληροφορίες έκδοσης
Πίνακας περιεχομένων +-
—. Bakirtzi/Devetzi/Stergiou: Introduction
—. Reinhard: COVID-19: Challenges for Germany’s social security system
—. Walter: Social protection for migrant workers in Germany in times of corona
—. Tsetoura/Bakirtzi: Greek social law in times of the pandemic
—. Skandalis: A brief critique on labour law measures adopted in the context of the coronavirus pandemic in Greece
—. Lukács Gellérné: Social Security in times of corona from a comparative law perspective, Country Report: Hungary
—. Ales: Income Support in Italy during the pandemic: an adaptive and fragmented approach in the context of continuity
—. Pennings: Social security in the Netherlands in times of corona
—. Mitrus: Social security in Poland in times of corona
—. Sánchez-Rodas Navarro: Vulnerable groups: can the Spanish social security system guarantee their protection in times of corona?
—. Salas Porras: Migrant and mobile workers: can the Spanish social security system guarantee their protection in times of corona?
—. Erhag: Social security during the pandemic – the case of Sweden
—. Stergiou: Future perspectives within the European Union context: from social security to income support
—. Devetzi: Social security in times of corona – comparative aspects
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