Lex & Forum: The legal frontiers of artificial intelligence

Lex & Forum: The legal frontiers of artificial intelligence



Web Conference

Thursday, 30.5.2024, 17.30 (GR time) 16:30 (CET)

Lex & Forum Law Review and Sakkoulas Publications SA are organizing an online conference on:

The legal frontiers of artificial intelligence


Lilian Mitrou, Professor, Department of Information and Communication System Engineering, University of Aegean


Joshua Ellul, Professor, Director of the Centre for DLT, University of Malta
Demystifying AI and the Future of Web

Dan Svantesson, Professor, Faculty of Law, Bond University/Australia
AI and Private International Law

Péter Mezei, Professor of Law, Faculty of Law & Political Sciences, Institute of Comparative Law, University of Szeged/Hungary
Generative AI and grAIn-washing

Mireille Caruana, Senior Lecturer, Head of Department of Media, Communications & Technology Law, University of Malta
Publicly available data and data privacy law: the case of scraping of facial images from the Internet

Ιoannis Revolidis, Resident Academic Lecturer, Department of Media, Communication & Technology Law, Centre for DLT, University of Malta
General Purpose AI Systems under EU Law

William Valasidis, Judge, General Court of the EU
AI and judicial process: the example of the Court of Justice of the European Union


Participants should register by Wednesday 29, May, 2024 at 12:00, by filling in the form at the top of the page. Participants will be able to participate via the zoom platform. Before the event, they will receive the hyperlink that they should open to watch the webinar. Participation is free.