Revue Hellénique de Droit International, vol. 1, 2014

Revue Hellénique de Droit International, vol. 1, 2014

Having first appeared in 1948, the Revue hellénique de droit international is the brainchild of the Hellenic Institute of International & Foreign Law, roughly founded a decade earlier, and of Professor Petros Vallindas, Institute Director at that time. The Revue was conceived as a means for highlighting the significant contribution that Greek scholars had been continuously making to public and private international law in modern times, but also for promoting knowledge of international law norms and comparative law techniques to the ever-growing, world-wide Greek legal community.

Six decades later, having grown considerably over the years, the Revue continues to serve this purpose by providing the following to a host of readers throughout the world:

- Articles, studies and notes on private international law, public international law, international business law, foreign law and comparative law;
- Presentation and analysis of Greek legal developments which are of focal interest to the international audience;
- Publication of translated key Greek codes and statutes;
- Reports and commentaries on international and domestic court decisions applying private and public international law and European community law;
- Information on international documents signed, ratified or acceded to by the Hellenic Republic; and
- Book reviews.

The Revue is characterized by variety: it was – and still remains – the only Greek legal periodical exclusively in a language other than Greek. It hosts a selection of contributions written in English, French and German; contributing authors are acclaimed scholars and young professionals alike, reporting from different jurisdictions of a great number of countries from all continents. It is set up and edited by a team of dedicated junior researchers, with the assistance of a scientific committee under the overall supervision by Professor Spyridon Vrellis, current Institute Director.

Edition info

Revue Hellénique de Droit International
67 ème ANNÉE, 1/2014
© 2014
vol. 1
VIII + 808
€ 100.00
In stock

Table of contents   +

table des matières

XIXème Congrès international de droit comparé


Rapports nationaux helléniques

Zoe Papassiopi-Passia, Eleni Pasia & Dimitrios Varadinis - Migration and law: Greece

Nikolaos K. Klamaris - The independence of a meritorious elite: The government of judges and democracy

Antonios Karampatzos & Georgios Malos - The role of case law and the prospective overruling in the Greek legal system

Kalliopi Makridou - Recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards. The application of the New York Convention by national courts

Ioannis Voulgaris - Legal education/training in Greece leading to mould ‘globally’ practicing lawyers

Christina Deliyanni-Dimitrakou & Christina M. Akrivopoulou - The influence of human rights and basic rights on greek private law

Nikolaos A. Davrados - The effects of financial crises on the binding force of contracts: renegotiation, recession or revision? (National report for Greece)

Eleni Zervogianni - Disgorgement of profits: Greek report

Dimitra Papadopoulou-Klamaris - Contractualisation in Greek family law

Georgios Diamantopoulos & Vassiliki Koumpli - On mediation law in Greece

Aggeliki K. Skouteri - The organisation of legal professions in Greece

Rigas Giovannopoulos - The law of close corporations in Greece

Emmanuel P. Mastromanolis - Public enforcement focus and civil litigation obstacles in the Greek paradigm of minority investor protection

Christina Livada - Greek national report on personal guarantees between commercial law and consumer protection

Nikolaos Vervessos & Triantafyllos Stavrakidis - Company law and the law of succession in Greece

Dionysia Kallinikou - License contracts, free software and creative commons in Greece

Elina N. Moustaira - Security interests burdening transport vehicles. The Cape Town Convention and its implementation in Greek law

Eleni Micha - The UN Convention on the rights of the child and its implementation in Greek law

Athanasios D. Tsevas - Limitations on government debt and deficits in Greece

Kyriaki Assimakopoulou - Applicable religious rules according to the law of the State in Greece

Alexandra E. Douga - On the recognition of foreign administrative acts in Greece

Georgios Triantafyllou - Counter-terrorism law in Greece

Georgios N. Yannopoulos - Secondary liability of service providers: Report for Greece

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