E. Alexandridou/E.-M. Bajons/D. Coester-Waltjen..., Studia in Honorem Pelayia Yessiou-Faltsi, 2007

The honored Professor Dr. jur. Dr. h.c. Pelayia Yessiou-Faltsi has developed the civil procedural doctrine in Greece for more than forty years. After completing her initial studies at the Law Faculty of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, she embarked upon and continued her academic activity alongside the well known Professor Charalambos Fragistas.
Her first dissertation in the field of International Civil Procedural Law granted her a doctorship in 1965. It was her second book on joinder of parties in the Greek Code of Civil Procedure, published in 1970, that however established Professor Yessiou-Faltsi as an authority on Civil Procedural Law. Even today, thirty-six years after first being published, this scholarly work is frequently cited by authors. Jurisprudence also embraced and applied the views and theories expressed by the distinguished Professor Faltsi. But this study was only the beginning. In the following years Professor Yessiou-Faltsi has left her mark on the development of Greek Civil Procedural Law. She has conducted research on all its fields. She has made particularly significant contributions to civil litigation, evidence law, international civil procedural law, and especially enforcement law.
Over the last years and until recently (from 1998 to 2006), all her efforts and experience have been channeled towards the publication of three large volumes on enforcement law. This opus covers the entire field of national, European and international enforcement proceedings and has been the first complete work on this field to be published in Greece. In an earlier work, published in 1995, Professor Yessiou-Faltsi introduced the Greek Civil Procedure to the international doctrine, through her opus «Civil Procedure in Hellas». In May 2006 she was awarded a doctorate honoris causa from the Faculty of Law of the University of Athens.
Her international activity has also been remarkable. During the time of her service as Dean of the Law Faculty of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Professor Yessiou-Faltsi organized (in May 1997) an International Congress regarding the Role of Supreme Courts at the National and International Level. For more than 25 years she has initialed and supported the European Program ELPIS-SOCRATES. Thanks to this program, a great number of Greek and foreign students have had the opportunity to conduct a part of their undergraduate and postgraduate studies abroad. This exchange of knowledge and experiences has generously contributed in the process of European legal integration.
Many of her students are currently continuing her work in the Law Faculty of Thessaloniki. Without exaggeration, the next generation of Professors in the biggest Law Faculty in Greece have been students of Professor Yessiou-Faltsi.
This volume is only a small proof of gratitude and recognition to the first Greek woman Professor of Civil Procedure in Greece. All of us will keep the personality and the activity of the honored Professor in unforgettable memory.
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Table of contents +-
Elisa Alexandridou, The Directive on Unfair Commercial Practices – Aggressive Practices
Ena-Marlis Bajons, Violation of Community Law and Lack of Impartiality: Two Grounds of Increasing Relevance for Setting Aside Arbitral Awards
Dagmar Coester-Waltjen, Und noch einmal: Der europδische Vollstreckungstitel
Eugenia Dacoronia, Tort Law in Greece. The State of Art
Hilmar Fenge, Zur europδischen internationalen Zustδndigkeit in Fδllen der Haftung fόr eine Schδdigung in Vertragsnδhe
Natalie Fricero, L’effectivitι des arrκts de la Cour europιenne des droits de l’Homme: un enjeu pour l’Europe
† Lαszlσ Gαspαrdy, L’avvocato nel processo civile ungherese
Hans Friedhelm Gaul, Die neue Rechtsbeschwerde zum Bundesgerichtshof in der Zwangsvollstreckung - ein teuer erkaufter Fortschritt
Reinhold Geimer, Der ordre public in der privaten Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit
Walter Gerhardt, Zur Verteidigung des Beklagten mit der Anfechtungseinrede und zu deren Erhebung durch den Insolvenzverwalter als Nebenintervenienten –bis in idem oder neue Rechtslage ?–
Antonio Gidi, Enseigner la procιdure civile comparιe
Peter Gilles Zivilprozess und Verfassung – Betrachtungen zum Thema aus deutscher Sicht –
Panayotis Glavinis, Multiparty, Multi-Contract Investment Disputes
Stephen Goldstein, Revisiting Preliminary Relief in light of the ALI/UNIDROIT Principles and the New Israeli Rules
Peter Gottwald, Dogmatik und Wirklichkeit im Zivilprozessrecht
Rosa Greaves, A Common Law Contribution to EU Administrative Procedure: The Hearing Officer
Miklσs Kengyel, Chancengleichheit und soziale Rechtshilfe im ungarischen Zivilprozess
E. Krings, De certains dιlais en procιdure civile et de leur impact ΰ l’ ιgard de tiers
Josι Lebre de Freitas, Res Judicata in an International Arbitration Procedure in Portugal - The Governing Law
Hideo Nakamura, Die Prozesspartei im kontinentaleuropδischen und angloamerikanischen Zivilprozess
Jacques Normand, L’impartialitι du juge en droit judiciaire privι franηais
Paul Oberhammer/Michael Slonina, Grenzόberschreitende Gewinnzusagen im europδischen Prozess- und Kollisionsrecht: Gabriel, Engler und die Folgen
Ada Pellegrini Grinover, La difesa degli interessi transindividuali: Brasile e Iberoamerica
Ugo Petronio/Nicola Picardi, La riforma giudiziaria dello Stato pontificio nell’eta’ della restaurazione
Constantin Polyzogopoulos, The Collective Action in Greek Law for the Protection of the Consumer
Hanns Prόtting, Die aktuellen Entwicklungen des europδischen Zivilprozessrechts, insbesondere das kόnftige europδische Mahnverfahren
Walter H. Rechberger, Zum Entwurf einer Verordnung zur Einfόhrung eines Europδischen Mahnverfahrens
Marianne Roth, International Jurisdiction and Conflict of Laws in an Electronic World A Comparative Analysis
Helmut Rόίmann, Rechtsfolgen des Prozessbetrugs im Schiedsverfahren
Eberhard Schilken, Reform der Sachaufklδrung in der Geldvollstreckung
Peter F. Schlosser, Zustellung und Zustellungsersatz durch Parteieinverstδndnis Eine Studie zum Deutschen und Europδischem Zivilprozessrecht
Rolf A. Schόtze, Zulδssigkeit, Zustellung und Wirkungserstreckung von anti-suit injunctions in Deutschland
Daphne-Ariane Simotta, Wie «international» muss eine Gerichtsstandsvereinbarung nach Art 23 EuGVVO bzw Art 17 EuGVά/LGVά sein - Eine Analyse der diesbezόglichen Rechtsprechung des φsterreichischen Obersten Gerichtshofs, insbesonders aber der Entscheidung vom 1.8.2003, 1 Ob 240/02d
Marcel Storme, Prιsentation ΰ une grande dame de la procιdure civile. Mother’s favourite child: Procedural Law at the end of the 20th Century
Rolf Stόrner, Richterliche Vergleichsverhandlung und richterlicher Vergleich aus der Sicht eines deutschen Richters und Prozessrechtslehrers
† Giuseppe Tarzia, Par aut dispar condicio creditorum
Dimitrios Tsikrikas, Les actions collectives en droit grec
Istvαn Varga/Jαnos Nιmeth, Sanktionierung der Beweisvereitelung in internationalen Handelsschiedsverfahren
Andreas Wacke, Rechtsprechen im Angesicht des Jόngsten Gerichts nach Gemδlden und Inschriften in Ratsstuben und Gerichtssδlen
Gerhard Walter, Die Rolle des obersten Gerichtshofes in der Schweiz
Athanasios N. Yiannopoulos, From Justinian to Louisiana with Love: Novella Fifty Three and the Marital Portion
Biographical notes
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