Annuaire International Des Droits De L'Homme - VII, vol. 7, 2014

This edited volume is based on papers and discussions of two Conferences organized by the International Association of Constitutional Law and its Research Group of Social Rights. The first one has taken place in Rio de Janeiro (14, 15 and 16 April 2013) in collaboration with FGV-Rio and had as central theme “Constitutionalism and Economic Crisis: National and Transnational Economic Regulation and Social Rights in the 21st Century”. The contribution of Vicki Jackson, the IACL Vice-President responsible for the organizations’ conferences and Round Tables was pivotal for its success.
The second was held in Athens (28 and 29 June 2013) focusing on «Sovereign debt and fundamental social rights», in collaboration with the Association of Greek Constitutionalists, the International Centre on Human Rights (LIBERTAS) and the Centre for European Constitutional Law-Themistocles and Dimitris Tsatsos.
Edition info
Table of contents +-
International Conference
Rio de Janeiro, 14, 15 and 16 April
Christina M. Akrivopoulou, Eurozone crisis and social rights protection in the south European jurisprudence.
Diego Werneck Arguelhes/Ivar Alberto Martins Hartmann, Law in the Books and Books in the Court. Are Social Rights Literature and Judicial Practice on the Same Page in Brazil?
Daphne Barak-Erez, Social Rights in a Growing Constitutional Order. The Case of Israel.
David Bilchitz, Socio-Economic Rights, Economic Crisis and Legal Doctrine.
Marcelo Figueiredo, Judicial Review of Social Rights. Positive Enforcement and Review of Austerity Measures.
George Katrougalos, The crisis of the european social state.
CÉsar Landa, Social Rights in Latin American constitutional jurisprudence.
David Landau, Improving Remedies for Social Rights.
Bertrand Mathieu, Principes constitutionnels de l’État social dans une perspective comparative.
Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann, Human rights require ‘cosmopolitan constitutionalism’ and cosmopolitan law for democratic governance of public goods.
Javier GarcÍa Roca, Taking social rights seriously: principle of financial sustainability. A budgetary impact statement.
David Schneiderman, A New Global Economic Constitutional Order in the Making? The Case of International Investment Law.
Simina Tanasescu, Les droits sociaux dans la transition démocratique.
International Conference
Athens, 28 and 29 June
Greetings by Kostas Mavrias
Sovereign debt and international law.
Enyinna Nwauche, Reflections on Emerging Jurisprudence on Human Rights and Investment Arbitration in Africa.
Antonis Bredimas, État de nécessité , et force majeure et dette souveraine en droit international économique : avec mention spécifique du cas de la Grèce.
Mathias Audit, La dette souveraine devant les tribunaux arbitraux internationaux.
Nikitas Aliprantis, La philosophie du “comme-si” (Als-ob) dans la méconnaissance des droits sociaux internationalement reconnus.
Giorgio Baruchello, The Presupposed Oncological Model of Paul Krugman’s Banking Metastases. An Introduction to John McMurtry’s Philosophy.
Budget, social rights and the pressure on welfare state.
Alessandro Torre, Neoliberal Trends and Budgetary Policymaking in Italy.
Marina Calamo Specchia, La crise économique et l’équilibre budgétaire en Italie. Quel avenir pour les droits sociaux?
John Mceldowney, Human Rights and Social Rights in the UK.
Nicos C. Alivizatos, The Living Instrument Doctrine in Times of Trouble.
Patrick de Fontbressin, Le citoyen trouve-t-il dans la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne un droit subjectif?
Countries in crisis and constitutional remedies.
Ángel RodrÍguez, Sovereign Debt, Decentralization and Fundamental Social Rights After the Constitutional Reform of 2011 in Spain.
Rachael Lorna Johnstone, Myths and Legends of Contemporary Iceland.
Giulia Aravantinou - Leonidi, A fragile democracy: questioning social rights under the Italian Constitution. The crisis and the collapse of the Welfare State.
Stamatios Tzitzis, Crise économique, souveraineté populaire et droits sociaux.
Vasiliki Saranti, Economic, social and cultural rights in the Western Hemisphere under the prism of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights case-law.
Constitutional responses to the crisis.
Thomas Fleiner, Governmental Systems develop social rights without important financial debts.
Dominique Rousseau, Les éléments constitutionnels de l’économie sociale de marché.
Xenophon Contiades/Alkmene Fotiadou, The debt crisis proving ground. Social rights theory revisited.
Eleni Micha, The long winding road towards justiciability of social rights during times of sovereign debt crisis.
Closure of the Conference by Kostas Mavrias
Α. Dette souveraine et droits sociaux fondamentaux.
Pierre Lambert, Brefs propos introductifs.
Stavroula N. Ktistaki, Les droits sociaux en période de crise économique. Le cas de la Grèce.
Eleni Theocharopoulou, The dramatic upgrade of the Financial Public interest of the State to the level of the Public interest, in times of national financial crisis in Greece in the middle of the global economic crisis and the role of the judge.
Tatiana GrÜndler, Les droits sociaux au sein de la “Charte européenne des droits de l’homme”.
CÉline Husson-Rochcongar, Les finances publiques sont-elles (toujours) démocratiques? Ou, le bonheur est-il devenu une idée obsolète en Europe? Réflexions européennes à partir du cas français.
Costas Paraskeva, Protecting Human Rights in times of crisis - economic crisis or threats to security.
Β. Textes divers.
Antonis S. Kechris, From film censorship towards the classification of cinematographic works in France.
dimitra dichala, La notion d’applicabilité directe des normes constitutionnelles à l’administration en droit français.
Charilaos I. Nikolaidis, Equality and non-discrimination in Europe. The shortcomings of Article 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights and the new Protocol 12.
Costas Paraskeva - Eleni Meleagrou, Homes from the past. An expiration date for the right to respect for home under article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
Antoine Maniatis, Équité et proportionnalité
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