State responsibility and the individual, 2006

The Institute of International Public Law and International Relations of Thessaloniki was founded in 1966. It is a training and research in sti tu tion sub sidized by the Greek State.According to its statute, the Institute consists of four departments: Department of Public International Law, Department of International Re la tions and Di plo ma cy, Department of International and European Or gan i sa tions and De part ment of Greek Foreign Policy. The activities of the Institute aim at the advancement of international studies. The Institute also provides Tribunals, law preparing commissions of the Ministry of Justice and Parliamentary Committees with legal coun sel on questions of in-ter na tion al law.The Institute contributes to the promotion of knowledge in all subjects of international studies through its publications, which include the fol low ing series:1. “Thesaurus Acroasium” - 30 volumes containing lectures delivered dur-ing the annual sessions of courses organized by the Institute, as well as research pa pers by participants in these courses.2. “International Friendship” - 13 volumes including doctoral theses and monographs written mainly by young foreign researchers.3. “Research Publications” - collection of 17 volumes, consisting of doc tor al theses dealing with Public International Law, International Re la tions and History of International Relations.4. “Jus Gentium” - 20 volumes about the theory and practice of In ter nation al Law, European Law and the Law of International Organisations.5. “Jus Publicum” - 6 volumes including studies focusing on Con sti tu tion al and Administrative Law.6. “Hellenic Review of International Relations” - This series of 6 volumes covers developments on contemporary issues of International Re la tions.The Institute intends to launch the Greek Journal of In ternation al Law and Pol i cy.
This Journal will be published twice a year and will include con tri butions related to International Law, European Community Law, In ter na tion al Relations, International Politics and Diplomacy. The Journal is designed to pro vide a source of authoritative and up-to-date in for ma tion on current international issues and will be an essential reading for ac a dem ics, researchers, international lawyers experts in international affairs and dip lo mats.Since 1973, the Institute organizes summer sessions of courses with the par tic i pa tion of eminent academics, diplomats, experts, international judges and of fi c ers of in ter na tion al organizations. The purpose of these annual courses is to en cour age a thor ough and impartial examination of theoretical and practical problems arising from international relations in the fi eld of law, such as: “Peace and Human Rights”, “East-West Re la tions”, “Universalism and Re gion al ism in the es tab lished international sys tem”, “The evolution of In ter na tion al Law since the creation of the United Nations”, “The Law of the Sea”, “In ter na tion al Re sponsibility”, “Might and Right in International Re lations” etc.Moreover, the Institute organizes conferences, seminars, round table discus sions and lectures. The Institute has the only Depository Library of the United Nations in Northern Greece and also possesses an excellent li brary and doc u menta tion centre which are open to all those interested in in ter na tion al studies.In recognition of its signifi cant contribution to the promotion of peace as set forth by the General Assembly of the United Nations in the Proc la ma tion of the International Year of Peace, the Secretary-General of the Organization designated the Institute as a “Peace Messenger
Πληροφορίες έκδοσης
Πίνακας περιεχομένων +-
The Institute
Curatorium Internationale
Governing Board of the Institute
J. BARBOZA Invocation of responsibility
A. NOLLKAEMPER Potential consequences of the rise of individual responsibility for the law of state responsibil-ity
M. SCHEININ Issues of state responsibility under the covenant on civil and political rights
E. McWHINNEY Codifying international law in periods of extreme ideological and cultural conflict. Lessons from the ILC mandate on state responsibility
C. ECONOMIDES La responsabilitι de l’ιtat pour fait internationalement illicite: Les points positifs et negatifs du projet de la Commission du Droit International
S. WIESSNER The articles on state responsi-bility and contemporary inter-national law
I. MOTOC Controversial aspects of de-mocracy in international law. The right to political participa-tion in foreign affairs
S. BENTCHIKOU Les modes de rιparation du prιjudice subi rιsultant d’un acte de terrorisme ιtatique: Le cas Lockerbie
N. OKANY State delegation of functions to private or autonomous entities: A basis for attribution under the rules of state responsibility
Tutor: Dr. N. B. NAUMOVIC
F. COUVEINHES L’attribution de la responsa-bilitι internationale en cas de dommages causιs par des forces de maintien de la pais
J.-CH. JOBART Du cumul des responsabilitιs ιtatique et individuelle: Com-paraison entre le droit interna-tional public et le droit admin-istratif franηais
O. LISCHETTI La responsabilitι de la puis-sance occupante vis-ΰ-vis des organisations internationales en gιnιral et de l’ONU en par-ticulier: Le cas des Etats-Unis en Irak?
A. MIRON La responsabilitι de l’Etat pour violations des droits de l’homme par des acteurs non-ιtatiques
R. J. OVERHOLT Guantanamo Bay, Cuba detain-ees and international rules of protection: Towards an interna-tional responsibility of the United States
W. SALIBY Droit de l’utilisation des Cours d’Eaux Internationaux pour des fins autres que la navigation et droit de la responsabilitι: Une approche ΰ la lumiθre des pro-jets hydriques turcs
Tutor: Dr. N. ZAIKOS
B. FARACIK State responsibility and indi-vidual – Trying to reach bal-ance between freedom of ex-pression and the prohibition of hate speech-polish perspective
K. NTELIKOS Immunities v. individual criminal responsibility of sen-ior state officials. The evolu-tion of the rules and their status in positive and custom-ary law
M. VIEGAS E SILVA International responsibility of the individual for crimes against humanity in the light of the annulment of the amnesty laws in Argentina
K. WIERCZYNSKA Individual criminal responsi-bility of state officials
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