G. Lekkas/A. Papadimitropoulos/K. Saitakis..., Investing in Digital Assets: The EU Law Approach, 2024

G. Lekkas/A. Papadimitropoulos/K. Saitakis..., Investing in Digital Assets: The EU Law Approach, 2024

In this context, the first volume of the Studia Juris Civilis series includes five extensive studies published in English under the general title “Investing in Digital Assets: the EU Law Approach”. The first study has been drafted by Mr. Antonios Papadimitropoulos, who examines the issue of the effectiveness of the current legal framework on civil liability for the provision of advice on investments in financial instruments. The second study has been drafted by Dr. Kimon Saitakis, who explores the point of whether it is legally possible to establish rights in rem, which are akin to tangible objects, on virtual land and digital assets, and also the topic of the legal position of the buyer of virtual land under EU legislation. The third study has been drafted by Ms. Maria Glynou, who reviews the phenomenon of collateralization of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), concluding that NFTs collateralization entails legal risks, which create the need for new regulations to ensure effective solutions to the problems created by NFT-backed financing. The fourth study has been drafted by Ms. Eleni Mouzaki, who considers, from a legal perspective, crypto-currencies and their specific legal nature, focusing on the more particular question whether they qualify as securities under the US and the Greek legal regimes and suggesting that crypto-currencies should be regulated by the special crypto-regime established under the new Mi-CAR, which extends to any type of crypto-asset not regulated under any of the existing financial law regimes. Finally, this volume includes the study of Mr. Filippos Siozos, who surveys the forms of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) and demonstrates the need for harmonization at supranational level of the national regulations governing them.

All studies included in this first volume of the Studia Juris Civilis series analyze private law issues arising out of transactions in digital investment instruments and aim at contributing to the scientific debate, which is developing internationally and in Greece in this field.

Πληροφορίες έκδοσης

Investing in Digital Assets: The EU Law Approach
© 2024
IX + 120
€ 35,00
Σε απόθεμα

Πίνακας περιεχομένων   +



Civil Liability for the Provision of Investment Advice in Connection with Atypical Financial Products - The Greek Law Perspective

Dr. Antonios Papadimitropoulos, Asst. Prof. of Civil Law at the Law School of NKUA. LL.B. NKUA, Greece; LL.M. and Ph.D. Freiburg i.B., Germany

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Dr. Κimon Saitakis, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Law School of NKUA, Greece. LL.B., LL.M., Ph.D. & Post-Doc: NKUA, Greece

Unveiling the Missing Pieces of Digital Assets Regulation: Security Interests over NFTs - Enforceability Challenges and Legal Certainty within the EU regime

Maria Glynou, LL.M. LSE (London), LL.B. (NKUA)

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Eleni Mouzaki, LL.M. (King’s College London), LL.M. (NKUA), LL.B. (NKUA), Minor in Finance (American College of Greece)

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations: Delineation and Call for Regulation

Filippos Siozos, General Secretary of the European Association for Banking and Financial Law (AEDBF). LL.B. NKUA, Greece; LL.M. Université de Côte d’Azur, France

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